Articles and series on issues of ethics, Christian conduct and pastoral care will be saved here for reference.

CONTENTS w/excerpts

3 Part Series on “Can the Church Reconcile with its Own Victims?”  The church has based much of its behavior, since becoming an institution, on maintaining its status, solvency, relevance and political clout in the world. That behavior, as stated above, has included the historical marginalization or oppression of significant groups, many of who are still found within its doors. When this conduct is measured against what is perhaps the most significant Christian ethic, the “greatest commandment” of Mat 22:37-39[1], it fails miserably. The antidote for this ethos is none other than to embrace the message of the greatest commandment even if it leads to the church’s own material demise.

3 Part Series on “Scapegoating & Spiritual Abuse in Churches”. –  The least reported aspect of spiritual abuse, the non-sexual abuse of parishioners, pastors or church staff by church leaders, became the subject of this research paper. This decision was prompted by three factors – (i) the relatively small amount of relevant material; (ii) the apparently cavalier attitude possessed by some regarding this phenomenon; and (iii) my own personal witness of, and experience with, episodes of this nature …  This is the function of the outcast – not to punish, not to win, but out of concern for God’s church and people to caste a vision of change and health. If emotionally and spiritually capable, the outcast can serve as wounded healers to other participants as well as resolve to answer God’s call to stand in the gap.

3-Part series on “Marx on Religion & its Role in Oppression”   Marx’s stance is, I believe, more correctly interpreted as a critique of society that has become heartless and spiritless – one in which, however ineffective it may be, religion attempted to be society’s missing heart and provide some hope for those in need … Likewise, If I truly believe that my hope lies in the expectation of the Reign of God, I will learn to speak Reignese – to speak in the language of love I’ve learned from God. I will organize my life according to the new order that I know is coming. I will not wait for tomorrow.

An Ethical Analysis of Date Rape – In an ideal world, a woman should be able to go so far as to dance naked in front of a man without having him assume that act translated into consensual sex.

The Mind is a Terrible Thing Take care with this one. This is a description of how I feel – how I am – when in the depths of depression. It may give you a sense of not being alone – of affinity with someone else. It may, however, be to much to read if you are in a tough place. If you are fragile, please give this a pass until you are in a little better place.

Land Ethic – A Model for Environmentalists? Oddly enough, the motivating factor behind most people recognizing the need for some ecological repair was not the protection of God’s creation – it was the protection of ours   …   Will humankind adopt a different ethic? We have subordinated all of God’s creation to our desires. We have recreated God’s work to look and function more like what we envision.

When Covenant is Stressed Why Clergy and Members Leave Church  –  Lack of trust now firmly established, it should be no surprise that clergy and members may become reticent to share church conflicts, emotional trials and internal theological discord with colleagues and, especially, judicatorial officials. Distrust of the system itself violates an ideal concept of covenant relationships that requires ministers to wrestle with ideological conflict straight out of the box.

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